
In 2013, the Lord blessed my home with a beautiful new baby (Ephraim). Before the birth of this baby, I vividly recall the pains my wife had to endure. I remember at one point the Doctors had to check again the positions of the baby to ensure a normal delivery. After hours of contractions and delivery pains, it was discovered that the baby had breech for a couple of hours.

A breech birth is a birth of a baby from a breech presentation, in which the baby exits the pelvis with the buttocks or feet first as opposed to the normal head-first presentation.

In lay man’s definition, a breech birth is when a baby is folded up in the mother’s womb. This can cause a major disability to a child.

One major risk is cerebral palsy which is simply an effect to the spinal cord of a person rendering a patient disabled for life. Glory be to God our baby came out fully functioning in every area of his body and growing very well.

As I witnessed this process, it also dawned on me of people who may not be breached by birth but breeched when it comes to purpose in life.

Life without a definite purpose is like a breech child incapable of functioning effectively in life.

Death is not the greatest tragedy in life. It is having a life but not knowing why you are alive. Is this not true of some people we know or even ourselves?

Waste has become the order of the day for many who live in the life of plenty.

Without purpose, life has no meaning, life becomes an experiment. Today, the pursuit of materialism has become the beacon of the day but the truth is, you may have access to all the new things in life and yet miss out on purpose. A lot of people have successfully earned a means of living but have failed to identify their meaning to live for. Mankind is long on life but short on purpose.

I believe that God is calling mankind to purposeful living daily especially in these last days. You are a solution to this world and you must manifest. You have been qualified to respond to the call on your life. God has already decided your assignment in life, only you can discover it.

I can assure you of this, you are still alive because God is counting on you to fulfil what you have been pre destined to do. Do not even allow your mistakes to deny you your destiny. Your mistakes are not even more powerful than your purpose.



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Have you noticed how from industrialised nations to third world countries, the world has become an incubator of stress, frustration, depression and emptiness? We are failing today because of PURPOSELESSNESS; a situation where people fail to discover and live out Gods original purpose for their lives.

The value of life decreases and the quality of existence diminishes when a generation loses its sense of destiny and purpose.

Maybe these research findings will help to wake you up.

In a study in a U.S university, when sixty students were asked why they had attempted suicide, 85% said the reason why they had was that life seemed meaningless. More importantly, however, was that 93% percent of this student who suffered this lack of primary purpose were from socially active, achieving academically and on good terms with their families. (Richard Leider 2007).

This goes to mean that, the problem in this generation is not a means of living but a meaning to live for.

In another study in the U.K, it has been discovered that life is meaningless for three in ten young people. If this is true, then the future of our economies and nations are in serious trouble.

Recently, another research in the U.K suggests that only 30%-40% of people love what they do daily. This means that almost 60% or even more people do not love their jobs and this is a serious problem. If people do not love their job and only do it because of money or materialistic purposes, then what kind of nations or life are we building?

Note that I am not emphasising that money is not good. What I mean is there is something that comes before money; there are things money cannot buy.

The main problem is PURPOSELESSNESS. This is the kind of world you live in today whether you believe it or not. I want you to personally ask yourself sincerely this question;


We need work and not Job. When what you do is work and not seen as a job, you do things in love before any other thing. This is why people need to locate their primary purpose as against secondary ones.

Based on various researches from Europe to America and the rest of the world, you will discover some of the reasons why this generation is failing. Some of the reasons for this rust out syndrome you will discover in this world today. I will list them for the purpose of this article but encourage readers to get hold of one of my books and get more information.

  • Failure to connect with our Maker
  • Change in worldview
  • Faulty path reliance
  • Ignorance
  • Focusing on weakness instead of strength

And much more.

To understand your purpose, one needs to also comprehend what purpose is not. What do I mean you may ask?

  • Purpose is not your wishful thinking
  • Purpose is not your six to six kind of job (death)
  • Purpose is not manipulating people
  • Purpose is not in your appointments
  • Purpose is not your destiny
  • Purpose is not looking for back doors when life becomes tough.

Why fail while still alive. As long as you are still breathing on this planet, you have a purpose ready to be discovered because you are missing in action until you do. To find more details to these points above, contact us or purchase a copy of the book Alive for a Purpose.”



FIVE (5) Key Principles To Knowing Your Purpose.

In a commencement address at Princeton, future American President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed,

“We live in an age disturbed, confused, bewildered, afraid of its own forces, in search not merely of its road but even of its direction. There are many voices of counsel, but few voices of vision; there are much excitement and feverish activity, but a little concert of thoughtful PURPOSE. We are distressed by our ungoverned, undirected energies and do many things, but nothing long. It is our duty to FIND OURSELVES.”

If this generation and in fact in this dispensation, many people are struggling to live the kind of purpose, then the most important question still remains, how do we find or discover this original purpose?

Finding purpose is finding your strength and living it is a whole new level that will cause success in your life. Many people make the mistake of making money as their primary means of success. To make a difference in this life, it is paramount to rediscover that true success is knowing your primary purpose, growing to your maximum potential in life and sowing seeds that will benefit others.

Therefore, if you are prepared to know your purpose in life, then read carefully this chapter. This short article will guide you through five key principles you can begin to practice in your life to realise your purpose. Let’s run through these quickly,

  1. Get back to the source (Creator):

It is not a mistake that everything that works in life is connected, so if your life is not working then you need to first connect to the source (God). No matter how difficult life may be, God still has a plan, peace and an expected end for you. He is the first you need in your life.

  1. The Power of Discovery: This is the power of purpose. Your ability to uncover what is covered. Just as everything valuable in life is hidden, (Gold, oil, chair), so is your purpose in life.

Your primary calling in life is usually connected to your Creativity, Talents, Solitude and Listening.

You will find detailed knowledge about these principles from the what, why and how to make these work in your life today.

  1. Listening to your Heart: Here, the emphasis is not on your organ but inner man. The place that can be desperately wicked but on the other hand can be very rewarding. For you to find your purpose in life, there should be an alignment with your heart, so as God speaks to your inner man, you will never go wrong by following its direction.
  2. Becoming a Contrarian: Beloved, a person who views life backwards is a contrarian and God is one. If you to find your purpose in life, you must start to think and act like your maker. Your difficulties, pain and failures all shape your tomorrow before God but until you begin to partake in His Divine nature, you will keep on blaming issues and this will not get you anywhere.
  3. Finally, you will know how maximising time in life is necessary for discovering and fulfilling your purpose in life. We must invest time to get the most success and significance.

Everyone has been created for a purpose. I especially share in my book Alive For A Purpose, how I discovered my purpose and today fulfilling it to my generation. By following these principles and even more, I am positive that you too will make a great impact on your generation.