Gifted To Be Great

Recently, I had a rear opportunity to host and present a copy of my book “Alive For A Purpose” to our LORD MAYOR of Bradford and also share a bit of how the Purpose Achieving Life organisation is helping to shape people especially youths in the city and beyond.

As I reflect on this great encounter within me, I am being reminded of how true the book of Life is when it says, “A man’s GIFT will bring him before Kings/Important people.” Proverbs 18:16

On the hand, I am also reflecting on how GIFTED we all are yet many are those who neither Discover their GIFT nor find it but treat it as a hobby.

Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. –Leo Buscaglia. 

Sad will be the day when some of us will be reminded of how great we could have become had we paid a little more attention to what we carry today. It is not too late to find and value your GIFT. Your life is a gift to the world. Be the gift that you were born to be.

How many of us are staying in mediocrity because of fear? You have the opportunity today to make a decision to find yourself and strive to become the real you. Never let your fear decide your future. Don’t let your fear of what could happen actually make nothing happen.

Your life is what you think it should be.

As a man thinks so is he. You are what you think. If you don’t like what you are, then you should change the way you think.

What you think is more important than what you do.

So think positive, think win-win no matter what. Always know that all things are working together for your good. Feed your mind with the right information. As I always say to myself, just because a thought comes to me does not mean that I should think it. There is greatness within you waiting to be unveiled to your generation so wake up and step up.

This is why we have set up the Purpose Achieving Life Group so that we can help awaken the giant within you. We help individuals, groups, small and medium-sized organisations to discover purpose to fulfil potential.

Always remember that you are gifted to be great.

Contact us today.